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Customer Satisfaction Survey bonnet 2013

On 28/10/13 we sent a text message to a representative sample of customers ( about 400 clients) we made them in pest control to know what was good and what needs to improve service quality, pest control , speed and address the problems in the philosophy that the customer knows better what was good and what was less good for him and needs to improve so that next time will get perfect service with the best results for them.

Fortunately about 57 ( about 15 % ) customers responded to our request and the opinions presented (except for one client sent a request to remove it from the list and gave opinions ) as sent except correct spelling , details Surname full price paid and address in order to protect their privacy .

The message is sent :

In the past year we’ve made in your pest control so that we can improve we encourage you to send your opinion raffle will take place between senders

Bonnet – pesticides correctly.

We were pleased to discover that many of our customers bother sending their opinion and is presented here:

Important for me to note that we did not rub even notice if it was not a pleasant

Alona kg . – Ramat Gan

” The spray was excellent , there were only two dead bodies .. “

Liat p . – Jerusalem

” Hello my name is Liat A. .. Jerusalem – the second time I made ​​you Pesticides – Two years ago, I was very pleased with the ants were gone for a full year – last summer Risstm me and for my neighbor and very disappointed ants returned in a big way within a month we called you and said your right coming again to spray but it did not help the ants came back maybe changed the insecticide or spraying method used had much more class and killing the ants completely this is constructive criticism Please note that I’m not paying more + + + + ₪ your company Thank you Liat .

( Following the announcement was scheduled pest control returns )

Pesticides Mickey – Jerusalem

” Pesticide was fine service was excellent because the pests have returned after a month you you made a pest report returns no charge as required thanks to our satisfaction “

Tamir – Basra

After that we turned our home ports peso bonnet to get a pest control service immediately Elad Find date that suits everyone came to our house do the job and gave responsibility for several months. After a month in which the ants and Elad came immediately under warranty and brought other materials without payment courteous strongly recommend .. “

Dr. Liat . – Tel Aviv

” Excellent Service ! Courteous professionalism. , And indeed all dead cockroach came home – until now. Thank you very much

Avinoam p . – Turn off

” Elad Shalom , the service was excellent most of the pesticide was finally suppressed ports after our second visit and we hope they will not return . Congratulations to track very satisfied . “

Markets . That intelligence

” While reliable service including professional explanation . Meanwhile, two months have passed and there were no insect pest control on land or in the air. Hopes to continue that way.

Offers to keep customers Explanatory including responsibility and corporate logos . There is room for improvement in the price are the competition and the fact that the process short, just a few minutes without investing resources except material cost . Further markets successfully . That …. “

Michael . See – Tel Aviv

” We have done insecticide against moths food was gone about two weeks after the pesticide and since our kitchen clean flying . Thank you very much Eric R. . Tel Aviv “

Marine on . – Telephone

“The service and professionalism were excellent and the problem was solved thanks. Marine on . Intelligence “

Yael b. – Moshav Avigdor

“Hey Elad . Gladly write your service pleasant and thorough , if suppress then only you 🙂 …. “

Zvika h. – Hod Hasharon

“The service was excellent and courteous . Pesticide quality was good despite the required return visit . Deer h. Hod Hasharon “

Bella – Rishon

“Hello Elad respect you care what we think I am very pleased with your service , so I turned my daughter to you. Good day to you .

Ruth s. – Yehud

” Hello my name is Ruth Shamir and I live in Yehud on 27/09/13 Elad made ​​me insecticides against the German cockroach , but unfortunately I still see the German cockroach and must repeat the pesticide and I hope they will be gone forever “

( Repeated pesticide is prescribed – Elad )

Samuel c . – Beit Shemesh

” Pesticide and excellent service “

Efrat – Tel Aviv

“I Efrat of Tel Aviv . Previous summer after I had mice, I rats , one day I was sitting innocently at home and could not believe my eyes … a snake at ! Have sent me snake catcher adept named David David arrived quickly and did a great job and professional , and insisted a long time until caught in the wily snake … In short you saved me .

Pereira – Rishon

” First Place “

Happiness c . – Session beds

” Pesticide has been excellent , even though I live session , I did not encounter the various pests , thank you!”

Gili – Tel Aviv

” Excellent pest control , we did not have even a cockroach all summer and the service is great! Thank age “

Lena – Spring Gardens – Lod

“Last summer I did not order home pest but a year ago and the service was excellent “

Simon about . – Gan Yavne

“For several years you exterminate me. Good service and professional. Thank you Simon about . “

Mattie – Definition

“It was fine. Courteous service “

Not – Streets

” We are very pleased , especially stubborn ants and returned after 3-4 months , recommend you “

Sarit – Jerusalem

” There is usually heard empty promises from professionals but really you out righteous and superior service and after securing a second reading was misplaced responsibility and accurate thanks”

Elhanan – Jerusalem

“We received excellent service. Following the first treatment continued to visit fleas, we announced a nuisance indeed received repeat treatment once the problem is resolved satisfactorily complete Rtzoneino “

Dalia – Efrat

” Very satisfied. Since we have not seen a cockroach and little ants … Also want to commend the personal attention and that you’re very nice and pleasant to work with you. , I recommended you for another Efrat residents Obviously I also invite Sharotich next summer . Thank you”

Uncle ago . – Ramat Hasharon

“Beloved , call and pleasant conversation. Better explanation about the process and the results anticipated . Responded politely repeated requests including pesticides , Uncle. Ago .. “

By Ricky . – Telephone

” The service was courteous , accurate at times. Exterminator ( Elad ) described the expected precision. Ants were gone for a little back (just not as powerful .) Total results were as promised. Thanks Vicky by . Intelligence “

Ruth – Telephone

” Telephone . Courteous service , a comprehensive explanation , meanwhile excellent quality pest control insects that were not thanks.”

Shapiro – Neve Daniel

“It was excellent ! Has not visited us even an ant “

Tortured – Tel Aviv

” Elad reliable big head and not selling unnecessary services . Wanted to add a special pest and he said that I need to add the fair prices and have the ! Exterminator . , I , Tel Aviv “

Tomer – Yehud

” Bonnet dear … committed in our house and yard pest thorough and professional … Adobe service and price hit!

Even after payment Elad did not take responsibility … Our house was a plague of fleas and we have not spraying the carpet and returned to the flea ! Elad came and made spraying returns without charging a penny !

We very much enjoyed our service free of any harmful ! There is no doubt that next summer called the bonnet again ! ! Highly recommended ! Maya and Tomer Jew “

Sarah h. – Beit Shemesh

“Hello . Were just fine , along with the sun and you we resigned bedbugs . Thank you”

K Foundation . – Tel Aviv

” We are very pleased in all respects , the K Foundation . Tel Aviv . “

Grape – Telephone

” Elad Maxim explains in a clear and professional spraying last year worked excellent this year after two visits still have ants grape Intelligence “

Szmerling – Lazarus

” Hello, to say the least , pesticides ineffective “

Poetry c . – Lod

Pesticide has been excellent , thank you warmly recommend to everyone, Poetry c . Lod “

Avital – Tel Aviv

“I think the pesticide help, I’d love to hear from you . Avital “

Leah to . – Holon

” Elad Shalom was fine spraying infestations of bees disappeared I closed the window spacing and everything worked out well trimmed part of the tree from the City of Holon thanks to . Lea Holon “

By Rotem . – Definition

“Hey Elad First I found the service orientation of your nice talking to you always enjoy and benefit from courteous. Regarding quality – in terms of roaches hamsa hamsa hamsa terms of ports – the most problematic , they return quickly, within a month .. hope i helped by Rotem see you . Sheepfold “

Ronit – Definition

” Very satisfied ! “

Ronen on . D. – Definition

“Hey Ronen BD … pen , insecticide against cockroaches was excellent , performed a second insecticide against ants also did a nice job . Thanks for possibility to write feedback. Continued good day , Ronen . “

Simon c . – Lazarus

” Excellent service , returning three times. Important to learn a lesson about the power bloc in the next time. Successfully ! Simon c . Elazar “

Siegel – Intelligence

” The city of Modi’in , an exterminator courteous, punctual and very professional , he returned to the problem of fleas disappeared. Done on service orientation and professionalism . Recommends hot-rolled , Siegel “

I m . – Tel Aviv

” Pesticide was successful . Did not see any ants in the apartment, and I only saw dead cockroaches service was prompt and courteous . Thank you. Whoever me out . , And I live in Tel Aviv “

Elad Y. . – Jerusalem

” Elad Y. . Example we were six months ago and really have done an excellent job ! Day slowly coming few large ants from the yard , but we live with them in peace 🙂 great job and have a good week “

Michal – Herzliya

” Elad was very nice to come in time. Explained professionally , in fact much later found the bodies of ants. TOTAL satisfied , there is a nest of ants in the yard. Probably was not before so I have not decided whether or not to call again Michal Herzliya . “

Moses – Holon

” Number 1 “

Moran – Givattayim

“Hey Elad service was quick and courteous and professional However despite spraying cockroaches were little more empowering would drop the pesticide to not be at all but really all I was very pleased Total ( – : “

Yovel – Jerusalem

“Last summer we moved to our new apartment in Jerusalem just before the entrance called Elad subdue the apartment, quickly and professionally is coming sprayed and the Sanctuary, . Every summer we have not encountered in small connectors and black is good. Moment before the season insects we strongly recommend Elad ! Eleanor and Yovel, Jerusalem “

Berry – heralds Score

“Always happy with service! Third year in a row! Pesticides summer once a year , and we quiet all year! Thank you and good day . Berry “

Opponent in . – Tel Aviv

“It was excellent . Reaching us three times in total without complaining and always with a smile , nice and tolerance. Meanwhile ants have not returned. Noa opponent in . Tel Aviv . “

Ben Dror – Jerusalem

Since even a cockroach in sight by now probably a good insecticide . Shai Agnon ** example. “

Packed out . – Bat Yam

” Personal topic , Elad gave me the feeling that everything will be fine and he will take care of the problem in an efficient and thorough . At the professional level after three weeks as promised roaches disappeared and never returned . Thank God for a month no trace of them . Packed out . Bat Yam , David Raziel .. “

Guy – Hill Power

“Overall ok , but unfortunately two months later ants were back yard en masse ) – “

Jungreis – Beit Shemesh

“Extremely satisfied! Maybe we saw one butterfly and two .. “

Osnat in . To Ashdod

“Hello Elad , the last two years have you made summer pest , note that within a few days , the roaches were reversed and gone, we would appreciate further service , but I am noting that rope pulling effect of the material takes up less than a year warranty Please note Oda Osnat … Thanks in advance . to Ashdod. “

Elana – Tel Aviv

” Total were happy to wait a little current to verify the effect of the spray .”

Okay that’s all the opinions received and as I mentioned I did not change anything for better or worse except misspellings, download full name , full address and price reviews started okay arrival ( Back to front , due to the phone see the last message came first ) .

 Of course not suppressing opinions did not like our eyes and if you go over the list ‘ll see that there are also those available ( justified complaints were responded to and pesticides returns no cost ), and this is precisely the reason for which the survey was conducted satisfaction , finding those customers who did not receive excellent service and repair the situation so that the same individual get the perfect service we want and hope that we give and continue to give.

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Juk Barosh Proper Exterminator


Suffering from rodents?

Let the experts handle them

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100% satisfaction

With decades of experience, we can guarantee full customer satisfaction, a policy of responsibility for every extermination.

Pest Control Authority and License

Pest control works are carried out by certified and professional workers with a pest control license from the Ministry of Environmental Protection.

Full availability

We provide a quick response to our customers and prioritize prompt handling of the nuisance from the moment of identification.

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